Injection flaws allow attackers to relay malicious code through an application to another system. These attacks include calls to the operating system via system calls, the use of external programs via shell commands, as well as calls to backend databases via SQL (i.e., SQL injection). Whole scripts written in Perl, Python, and other languages can be injected into poorly designed applications and executed. Any time an application uses an interpreter of any type there is a danger of introducing an injection vulnerability.
Many web applications use operating system features and external programs to perform their functions. Sendmail is probably the most frequently invoked external program, but many other programs are used as well. When a web application passes information from an HTTP request through as part of an external request, it must be carefully scrubbed. Otherwise, the attacker can inject special (meta) characters, malicious commands, or command modifiers into the information and the web application will blindly pass these on to the external system for execution.
SQL injection is a particularly widespread and dangerous form of injection. To exploit a SQL injection flaw, the attacker must find a parameter that the web application passes through to a database. By carefully embedding malicious SQL commands into the content of the parameter, the attacker can trick the web application into forwarding a malicious query to the database. These attacks are not difficult to attempt and more tools are emerging that scan for these flaws. The consequences are particularly damaging, as an attacker can obtain, corrupt, or destroy database contents.
Injection vulnerabilities can be very easy to discover and exploit, but they can also be extremely obscure. The consequences of a successful injection attack can also run the entire range of severity, from trivial to complete system compromise or destruction. In any case, the use of external calls is quite widespread, so the likelihood of an application having an injection flaw should be considered high.[1]
Challenges covered in this chapter
Name | Description | Difficulty |
Christmas Special |
Order the Christmas special offer of 2014. |
⭐⭐⭐ |
Database Schema |
Exfiltrate the entire DB schema definition via SQL Injection. |
⭐⭐⭐ |
Ephemeral Accountant |
Log in with the (non-existing) accountant acc0unt4nt@juice-sh.op without ever registering that user. |
⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Login Admin |
Log in with the administrator’s user account. |
⭐⭐ |
Login Bender |
Log in with Bender’s user account. |
⭐⭐⭐ |
Login Jim |
Log in with Jim’s user account. |
⭐⭐⭐ |
Let the server sleep for some time. (It has done more than enough hard work for you) |
⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
NoSQL Exfiltration |
All your orders are belong to us! Even the ones which don’t! |
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
NoSQL Manipulation |
Update multiple product reviews at the same time. |
⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
SSTi |
Infect the server with juicy malware by abusing arbitrary command execution. |
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
User Credentials |
Retrieve a list of all user credentials via SQL Injection. |
⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
ℹ️ Please note that some NoSQL Injection challenges described below are not available when running the Juice Shop in either a Docker container or on a Heroku dyno! The used query syntax allows any sufficiently skilled attacker to execute arbitrary code including to terminate the application process.
Reconnaissance advice
Instead of trying random attacks or go through an attack pattern list,
it is a good idea to find out if and where a vulnerability exists,
first. By injecting a payload that should typically break an
underlying SQL query (e.g. '
or ';
) you can analyze how the
behaviour differs from regular use. Maybe you can even provoke an error
where the application leaks details about the query structure and schema
details like table or column names. Do not miss this opportunity.
Order the Christmas special offer of 2014
Blind SQL (Structured Query Language) injection is a type of SQL Injection attack that asks the database true or false questions and determines the answer based on the applications response. This attack is often used when the web application is configured to show generic error messages, but has not mitigated the code that is vulnerable to SQL injection.
When an attacker exploits SQL injection, sometimes the web application displays error messages from the database complaining that the SQL Query’s syntax is incorrect. Blind SQL injection is nearly identical to normal SQL Injection, the only difference being the way the data is retrieved from the database. When the database does not output data to the web page, an attacker is forced to steal data by asking the database a series of true or false questions. This makes exploiting the SQL Injection vulnerability more difficult, but not impossible.[2]
To solve this challenge you need to order a product that is not supposed to be available any more.
Find out how the application hides deleted products from its customers.
Try to craft an attack string that makes deleted products visible again.
You need to get the deleted product into your shopping cart and trigger the Checkout.
Neither of the above can be achieved through the application frontend and it might even require (half-)Blind SQL Injection.
Exfiltrate the entire DB schema definition via SQL Injection
An attacker would try to exploit SQL Injection to find out as much as possible about your database schema. This subsequently allows much more targeted, stealthy and devastating SQL Injections, like Retrieve a list of all user credentials via SQL Injection.
Find out which database system is in use and where it would usually store its schema definitions.
Craft a
attack string to join the relevant data from any such identified system table into the original result. -
You might have to tackle some query syntax issues step-by-step, basically hopping from one error to the next
As with Order the Christmas special offer of 2014 this cannot be achieved through the application frontend.
Log in with the (non-existing) accountant without ever registering that user
In ths challenge you need to log in with a user that has accountant-level permissions, but does not really exist.
The user literally needs to be ephemeral as in "lasting for only a short time".
Registering normally with the user’s email address will then obviously not solve this challenge. The Juice Shop will not even let you register as
, as this would make the challenge unsolvable for you. -
Getting the user into the database some other way will also fail to solve this challenge. In case you somehow managed to do so, you need to restart the Juice Shop application in order to wipe the database and make the challenge solvable again.
The fact that this challenge is in the Injection category should already give away the intended approach.

Log in with the administrator’s user account
What would a vulnerable web application be without an administrator user account whose (supposedly) privileged access rights a successful hacker can abuse?
The challenge description probably gave away what form you should attack.
If you happen to know the email address of the admin already, you can launch a targeted attack.
You might be lucky with a dedicated attack pattern even if you have no clue about the admin email address.
If you harvested the admin’s password hash, you can of course try to attack that instead of using SQL Injection.
Alternatively you can solve this challenge as a combo with the Log in with the administrator’s user credentials without previously changing them or applying SQL Injection challenge.
Log in with Bender’s user account
Bender is a regular customer, but mostly hangs out in the Juice Shop to troll it for its lack of alcoholic beverages.
The challenge description probably gave away what form you should attack.
You need to know (or smart-guess) Bender’s email address so you can launch a targeted attack.
In case you try some other approach than SQL Injection, you will notice that Bender’s password hash is not very useful.
Log in with Jim’s user account
Jim is a regular customer. He prefers juice from fruits that no man has ever tasted before.
The challenge description probably gave away what form you should attack.
You need to know (or smart-guess) Jim’s email address so you can launch a targeted attack.
If you harvested Jim’s password hash, you can try to attack that instead of using SQL Injection.
Let the server sleep for some time
NoSQL databases provide looser consistency restrictions than traditional SQL databases. By requiring fewer relational constraints and consistency checks, NoSQL databases often offer performance and scaling benefits. Yet these databases are still potentially vulnerable to injection attacks, even if they aren’t using the traditional SQL syntax. Because these NoSQL injection attacks may execute within a procedural language, rather than in the declarative SQL language, the potential impacts are greater than traditional SQL injection.
NoSQL database calls are written in the application’s programming language, a custom API call, or formatted according to a common convention (such as XML, JSON, LINQ, etc). Malicious input targeting those specifications may not trigger the primarily application sanitization checks. For example, filtering out common HTML special characters such as
< > & ;
will not prevent attacks against a JSON API, where special characters include `/ { } : `.There are now over 150 NoSQL databases available for use within an application, providing APIs in a variety of languages and relationship models. Each offers different features and restrictions. Because there is not a common language between them, example injection code will not apply across all NoSQL databases. For this reason, anyone testing for NoSQL injection attacks will need to familiarize themselves with the syntax, data model, and underlying programming language in order to craft specific tests.
NoSQL injection attacks may execute in different areas of an application than traditional SQL injection. Where SQL injection would execute within the database engine, NoSQL variants may execute during within the application layer or the database layer, depending on the NoSQL API used and data model. Typically NoSQL injection attacks will execute where the attack string is parsed, evaluated, or concatenated into a NoSQL API call.[3]
This challenge is about giving the server the chance to catch a breath by putting it to sleep for a while, making it essentially a stripped-down denial-of-service attack challenge.
In a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, an attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing information or services. By targeting your computer and its network connection, or the computers and network of the sites you are trying to use, an attacker may be able to prevent you from accessing email, websites, online accounts (banking, etc.), or other services that rely on the affected computer.[4]
As stated in the Architecture overview, OWASP Juice Shop uses a MongoDB derivate as its NoSQL database.
The categorization into the NoSQL Injection category totally gives away the expected attack vector for this challenge. Trying any others will not solve the challenge, even if they might yield the same result.
In particular, flooding the application with requests will not solve this challenge. That would probably just kill your server instance.
All your orders are belong to us
This challenge is about retrieving all user’s order data from the NoSQL DB in a single data extraction using an Injection attack.
This challenge requires a classic Injection attack.
Find an API endpoint with the intent of delivering a single order to the user and work with that.
Reading up on how MongoDB queries work is really helpful here.
Update multiple product reviews at the same time
The UI and API only offer ways to update individual product reviews. This challenge is about manipulating an update so that it will affect multiple reviews are the same time.
This challenge requires another classic Injection attack.
Take a close look on how the equivalent of UPDATE-statements in MongoDB work.
It is also worth looking into how Query Operators work in MongoDB.
Infect the server with juicy malware by abusing arbitrary command execution
ℹ️ Please note that this challenge is not available when running the Juice Shop in either a Docker container or on a Heroku dyno! It is not possible to implement this vulnerability in a "safe" way without any risk of compromise of the underlying system.
In this challenge you must exploit a Server-side Template Injection (SSTi) to "infect" the server with a specially crafted "malware".
You can find the juicy malware via a very obvious Google search or by stumbling into a very ill-placed quarantine folder with the necessary URLs in it.
Making the server download and execute the malware is key to solving this challenge.
For this challenge you do not have to reverse engineer the malware in any way. That will be required later to solve Request a hidden resource on server through server.
Server-side template injection occurs when user input is unsafely embedded into a server-side template, allowing users to inject template directives. Using malicious template directives, an attacker may be able to execute arbitrary code and take full control of the web server.
The severity of this issue varies depending on the type of template engine being used. Template engines range from being trivial to almost impossible to exploit. The following steps should be used when attempting to develop an exploit:
Identify the type of template engine being used.
Review its documentation for basic syntax, security considerations, and built-in methods and variables.
Explore the template environment and map the attack surface.
Audit every exposed object and method.
Template injection vulnerabilities can be very serious and can lead to complete compromise of the application’s data and functionality, and often of the server that is hosting the application. It may also be possible to use the server as a platform for further attacks against other systems. On the other hand, some template injection vulnerabilities may pose no significant security risk. [5]
Retrieve a list of all user credentials via SQL Injection
This challenge explains how a considerable number of companies were affected by data breaches without anyone breaking into the server room or sneaking out with a USB stick full of sensitive information. Given your application is vulnerable to a certain type of SQL Injection attacks, hackers can have the same effect while comfortably sitting in a café with free WiFi.
Try to find an endpoint where you can influence data being retrieved from the server.
Craft a
attack string to join data from another table into the original result. -
You might have to tackle some query syntax issues step-by-step, basically hopping from one error to the next
As with Order the Christmas special offer of 2014 and Exfiltrate the entire DB schema definition via SQL Injection this cannot be achieved through the application frontend.