
One of the core usage scenarios for OWASP Juice Shop is in employee trainings in order to facilitate security awareness. With its not entirely serious user roster and product inventory the application might not be suited for all audiences alike.

In some particularly traditional domains or conservative enterprises it would be beneficial to have the demo application look and behave more like an internal application.

OWASP Juice Shop can be customized in its product inventory and look & feel to accommodate this requirement. It also allows to add an arbitrary number of fake users to make demonstrations - particularly those of UNION-SQL injection attacks - even more impressive. Furthermore the Challenge solved!-notifications can be turned off in order to keep the impression of a "real" application undisturbed.

How to customize the application

The customization is powered by a YAML configuration file placed in /config. To run a customized OWASP Juice Shop you need to:

  1. Place your own .yml configuration file into /config

  2. Set the environment variable NODE_ENV to the filename of your config without the .yml extension

    • On Windows: set NODE_ENV=nameOfYourConfig

    • On Linux: export NODE_ENV=nameOfYourConfig

  3. Run npm start

You can also run a config directly in one command (on Linux) via NODE_ENV=nameOfYourConfig npm start. By default, the config/default.yml config is used which generates the original OWASP Juice Shop look & feel and inventory. Please note that it is not necessary to run npm install after switching customization configurations.

Overriding default.yml in Docker container

In order to override the default configuration inside your Docker container with one of the provided configs, you can pass in the NODE_ENV environment variable with the -e parameter:

docker run -d -e "NODE_ENV=bodgeit" -p bkimminich/juice-shop

In order to inject your own configuration, you can use -v to mount the default.yml path inside the container to any config file on your outside file system:

docker run -d -e "NODE_ENV=myConfig" -v /tmp/myConfig.yml:/juice-shop/config/myConfig.yml -p 3000:3000 --name juice-shop bkimminich/juice-shop

Overriding default.yml in Vagrant box

Currently it is not possible to override the default configuration in the Vagrant box. It is not set up in a way where it could pass the NODE_ENV environment variable to the Docker container that is spun up inside the box.

YAML configuration file

The YAML format for customizations is very straightforward. Below you find its schema along with an excerpt of the default settings.

server section

Offers technical configuration options for the web server hosting the application.

Property Description Default


Port to launch the server on. Would be overwritten by PORT environment variable.



When proxied in a subdirectory, this base path is used during redirects. The actual web server’s base path is not affected. Would be overwritten by BASE_PATH environment variable.


application section

Defines customization options for texts, colors, images, URLs etc. within the application.

Property Description Default


Domain used for all user email addresses.



Name as shown in title and menu bar.

'OWASP Juice Shop'


Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/images or a URL of an image which will first be download to that folder and then used as a logo.



Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public or a URL of an image in .ico format which will first be download to that folder and then used as a favicon.



Name of the color theme used to render the UI. Options are bluegrey-lightgreen, blue-lightblue, deeppurple-amber, indigo-pink, pink-bluegrey, purple-green and deeporange-indigo. See Material Color Themes for a sample screenshot of each theme.



Shows or hides the software version from the title.



Shows or hides the "GitHub" button in the navigation and side bar as well as the info box about contributing on the Score Board.



Enabled or disables the local backup feature for hacking progress and filters/settings on the Score Board.



Represents the number of random user accounts to be created on top of the pre-defined ones (which are required for several challenges).

0, meaning no additional users are created


Defines the name of the (fake) crypto currency that is offered on the Token Sale screen.



The email address shown as contact in the Privacy Policy.


Prefix for all custom Prometheus metrics. Must be a lowercase letter single world by Prometheus conventions.


chatBot subsection

Specifies all characteristics of the bot answering user questions in the Support Chat.

social subsection

Specifies all social links embedded on various screens such as About Us or the Photo Wall.

recyclePage subsection

Defines custom elements on the Request Recycling Box page.

welcomeBanner subsection

Defines a dismissable welcome banner that can be shown when first visiting the application.

cookieConsent subsection

Defines the cookie consent dialog shown in the bottom right corner.

securityTxt subsection

Defines the attributes for the security.txt file based on the Internet draft.

promotion subsection

Defines the attributes required for the /promotion screen where a marketing video with subtitles is rendered that hosts the XSS Tier 6 challenge.

easterEggPlanet subsection

Defines the customizations for the 3D-rendered planet easter egg.

googleOauth subsection

Defines the client identifier and allowed redirect URIs for Google OAuthintegration.

chatBot subsection

Specifies all characteristics of the bot answering user questions in the Support Chat.

Property Description Default


Name the chat bot introduces itself with.



Initial greeting the chat bot uses when chatting with a user.

"Nice to meet you <customer-name>, I’m <bot-name>"


Filename in data/chatbot or a URL of a JSON file which will first be download to that folder and then used as training data for the chat bot.



Default response the chat bot uses when it could not understand the user’s actual question.

"Sorry I couldn’t understand what you were trying to say"


Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/images or a URL of an image which will first be download to that folder and then used as a chat bot avatar.


social subsection

Specifies all social links embedded on various screens such as About Us or the Photo Wall.

Property Description Default


URL used as the BlueSky link promising coupon codes on the My Payment Options screen and on the About Us screen.



URL used as the Mastodon link on the About Us screen.



URL used as the Twitter link on the About Us screen.



URL used as the Facebook link on the About Us screen.



URL used as the Slack link on the About Us screen.



URL used as the Reddit link promising coupon codes on the My Payment Options screen and on the About Us screen.



URL used as the link to logos and media files on the About Us screen.



URL used as the link to a user questionnaire on the Score Board screen.


recyclePage subsection

Defines custom elements on the Request Recycling Box page.

Property Description Default


Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/images/products to use as the image on the top of the info column on the page.



Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/images/products to use as the image on the bottom of the info column on the page.


welcomeBanner subsection

Defines a dismissable welcome banner that can be shown when first visiting the application.

Property Description Default


Shows or hides the banner.



Defines the headline of the banner.

Welcome to OWASP Juice Shop!


Defines the body of the banner. Can contain arbitrary HTML.

<p>Being a web application with a vast number of intended security vulnerabilities, the <strong>OWASP Juice Shop</strong> is supposed to be the opposite of a best practice or template application for web developers: It is an awareness, training, demonstration and exercise tool for security risks in modern web applications. The <strong>OWASP Juice Shop</strong> is an open-source project hosted by the non-profit <a href='' target='_blank'>Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP)</a> and is developed and maintained by volunteers. Check out the link below for more information and documentation on the project.</p><h1><a href='' target='_blank'></a></h1>

cookieConsent subsection

Defines the cookie consent dialog shown in the bottom right corner.

Property Description Default


Color of the cookie banner itself.



Color of the message shown in the cookie banner.



Defines the color of the button to dismiss the banner.



Color of the dismissText on the button.



Explains the cookie usage in the application.

'This website uses fruit cookies to ensure you get the juiciest tracking experience.'


The text shown on the button to dismiss the banner.

'Me want it!'


Caption of the link that is shown after the message to refer to further information.

'But me wait!'


URL that provides further information about cookie usage.


securityTxt subsection

Defines the attributes for the security.txt file based on the Internet draft.

Property Description Default


An email address, phone number or URL to report security vulnerabilities to. Can be fake obviously.


URL to a public encryption key for secure communication. Can be fake obviously.


URL a "hall of fame" page. Can be fake obviously.


promotion subsection

Defines the attributes required for the /promotion screen where a marketing video with subtitles is rendered that hosts the XSS Tier 6 challenge.

Property Description Default


Name of a file with video/mp4 content type in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/videos or URL of an image to download to that folder and then use as the promotion video.



Name of a Web Video Text Tracks Format file in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/videos or URL of an image to download to that folder and then use as the promotion video.


easterEggPlanet subsection

Defines the customizations for the 3D-rendered planet easter egg.

Property Description Default


Name of the 3D planet "easter egg" as shown in the page title.



Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/private or URL of an image to download to that folder and then use as an overlay texture for the 3D planet "easter egg".


googleOauth subsection

Defines the client identifier and allowed redirect URIs for Google OAuth integration.

Property Description Default


Client identifier of the Google Cloud Platform application to handle OAuth 2.0 requests from OWASP Juice Shop.


authorizedRedirects sub-sequence

Sub-list for the redirect URIs authorized for Google OAuth.

- { uri: '' }- { uri: '' }- { uri: '' }- { uri: '' }- { uri: '' }- { uri: 'http://localhost:3000', proxy: '' }- { uri: '', proxy: '' }- { uri: 'http://localhost:4200', proxy: '' }- { uri: '', proxy: '' }- { uri: '', proxy: '' }- { uri: '', proxy: '' }- { uri: 'http://penguin.termina.linux.test:3000', proxy: '' }- { uri: 'http://penguin.termina.linux.test:4200', proxy: '' }

authorizedRedirects sub-sequence

Defines the allowed redirect URIs and their optional proxy for Google OAuth integration.

Property Description Conditions Default


URI authorized on Google Cloud Platform the Juice Shop is expected to be running on.



Proxy URI authorized on Google Cloud Platform that will itself redirect back to the original uri. Necessary for addresses not allowed as Google OAuth redirect targets, such as localhost or IP addresses.



challenges section

Defines configuration options for the hacking challenges within the Juice Shop.

Property Description Default


Shows or hides all instant "challenge solved"-notifications. Recommended to set to false for awareness demos.



Shows or hides hints for each challenge on hovering over/clicking its "unsolved" badge on the score board.



Shows or hides a mitigation link for each solved challenge on the score board (if available).



Shows or hides the associated Coding challenge button for each challenge (if available) on the score board. Can be never, solved (to show but disable the corresponding button until the hacking challenge is solved) or always.



Disables all Score Board filter options and hides those of the 107 challenges without a tutorial until all challenges with a tutorial have been solved.



URL that should replace the original URL defined in urlForProductTamperingChallenge for the Product Tampering challenge.


This XSS payload is expected during the Bonus Payload challenge.

'<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe>'


If set to disabled, it enables all potentially dangerous challenges regardless of any harm they might cause when running in a containerized environment. If set to auto, safety mode is enabled if JuiceShop consideres the envrironment its running in to be a production environent (which are more likely to be exposed to internet traffic). ☠️ Use at your own risk!



Shows or hides like/dislike buttons for solved hacking & coding challenges that open an accordingly pre-filled Google Form.


hackingInstructor section

Allows enabling and customizing the Hacking Instructor tutorial mode.

Property Description Default


Shows or hides the Hacking Instructor links from the Score Board and Welcome Banner.



Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/images or a URL of an image which will first be download to that folder and then used as an avatar in the tutorial speech bubbles.


products sequence

List of product mappings which, when specified, replaces the entire list of default products.

Property Description Conditions Default


Name of the product.



Description of the product.


'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.'


Price of the product.


A random price of 1-10


Price of the product for Deluxe Membership customers.


Same as the regular price


Available quantity of product in stock.


Random quantity of 30-100 items


Maximum purchase limit for regular customers. Does not apply to Deluxe Membership holders.




Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/images/products or URL of an image to download to that folder and then use as a product image.




Deletion date of the product in YYYY-MM-DD format.




Sets the original link of the product which is the target for the Product Tampering challenge. Overrides deletedDate with null.

must be defined on exactly one product


Marks a product as the target for the "christmas special" challenge. Overrides deletedDate with 2014-12-27.

must be true on exactly one product


Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/images/products or URL of a file download to that folder and then use as the target for the Retrieve Blueprint challenge. If a filename is specified but the file does not exist in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/images/products the challenge is still solvable by just requesting it from the server. ℹ️ To make this challenge realistically solvable, include some kind of hint to the blueprint file’s name/type in the product image’s Exif metadata.

must be defined on exactly one product

JuiceShop.stl on OWASP Juice Shop Logo (3D-printed)


List of keywords that are supposed to appear as EXIF properties on the image of the Retrieve Blueprint challenge product. ℹ️ Will be used in automatic testing for presence of the EXIF metadata but does not have any effect at runtime.

must be defined on the product with fileForRetrieveBlueprintChallenge

- OpenSCAD on OWASP Juice Shop Logo (3D-printed)


List of keywords which are all mandatory to mention in a feedback or complaint to solve the Leaked Unsafe Product challenge. Overrides deletedDate with 2019-02-1. ℹ️ To make this challenge realistically solvable, provide the keywords on e.g. PasteBin in an obscured way that works well with the "dangerous ingredients of an unsafe product" narrative.

must be defined on exactly one product

reviews sub-sequence

Sub-list which adds reviews to a product.



reviews sub-sequence

Sub-list which adds reviews to a product.

Property Description Conditions


Text of the review.



Reference by key from data/static/users.yml to the author of the review


memories sequence

List which, when specified, replaces all default Photo Wall entries except a hard-coded one needed to solve the Retrieve the photo of Bjoern’s cat in "melee combat-mode" challenge.

Property Description Conditions


Filename in frontend/dist/frontend/assets/public/images/uploads/ or URL of an image to download to that folder and then use as a Photo Wall image.



Text to show when hovering over the image or sending a Tweet about it.



Reference by key from data/static/users.yml to the owner of the photo upload.

mandatory (exceptions see below)


ID of the security question associated with the Meta Geo Stalking challenge.

must be defined on exactly one memory together with geoStalkingMetaSecurityAnswer


Answer to the security question associated with the Meta Geo Stalking challenge. Should be retrievable via the meta data of the assosicated image.

must be defined on exactly one memory together with geoStalkingMetaSecurityQuestion


ID of the security question associated with the Visual Geo Stalking challenge.

must be defined on exactly one memory together with geoStalkingVisualSecurityAnswer


Answer to the security question associated with the Visual Geo Stalking challenge. Should be retrievable via some (not too obvious) visual clue in the assosicated image.

must be defined on exactly one memory together with geoStalkingVisualSecurityQuestion

ctf section

Section to enable and configure the Capture-the-Flag mode built into OWASP Juice Shop.

Property Description Default


Shows or hides the CTF flag codes in the "challenge solved"-notifications. Is ignored when application.showChallengeSolvedNotifications is set to false.



Determines if the country (from countryMapping) mapped to the solved challenge is displayed in the notification. Can be none, name, flag or both. Only useful for CTFs using FBCTF.


countryMapping sub-mapping

List of mappings which associates challenges to countries on the challenge map of FBCTF. Only needed for CTFs using FBCTF.


countryMapping sub-mapping

List of mappings which associates challenges to countries on the challenge map of FBCTF. Only needed for CTFs using FBCTF:

  • Challenge key from data/static/challenges.yml

    • name the name of the country

    • code the two-letter ISO code of the country

ℹ️ When specifying countryMapping, it is mandatory to map all challenges in order to produce a valid configuration file. It is recommended to use config/fbctf.yml as a template for that purpose.

Configuration example

  port: 3000
  domain: juice-sh.op
  name: 'OWASP Juice Shop'
  logo: JuiceShop_Logo.png
  favicon: favicon_js.ico
  theme: bluegrey-lightgreen
  showVersionNumber: true
  showGitHubLinks: true
  localBackupEnabled: true
  numberOfRandomFakeUsers: 0
  altcoinName: Juicycoin
  customMetricsPrefix: juiceshop
    name: 'Juicy'
    greeting: "Nice to meet you <customer-name>, I'm <bot-name>"
    trainingData: 'botDefaultTrainingData.json'
    defaultResponse: "Sorry I couldn't understand what you were trying to say"
    avatar: 'JuicyChatBot.png'
    blueSkyUrl: ''
    mastodonUrl: ''
    twitterUrl: ''
    facebookUrl: ''
    slackUrl: ''
    redditUrl: ''
    pressKitUrl: ''
    questionnaireUrl: ~
    topProductImage: fruit_press.jpg
    bottomProductImage: apple_pressings.jpg
    showOnFirstStart: true
    title: 'Welcome to OWASP Juice Shop!'
    message: "<p>Being a web application with a vast number of intended security vulnerabilities, the <strong>OWASP Juice Shop</strong> is supposed to be the opposite of a best practice or template application for web developers: It is an awareness, training, demonstration and exercise tool for security risks in modern web applications. The <strong>OWASP Juice Shop</strong> is an open-source project hosted by the non-profit <a href='' target='_blank'>Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP)</a> and is developed and maintained by volunteers. Check out the link below for more information and documentation on the project.</p><h1><a href='' target='_blank'></a></h1>"
    backgroundColor: '#546e7a'
    textColor: '#ffffff'
    buttonColor: '#558b2f'
    buttonTextColor: '#ffffff'
    message: 'This website uses fruit cookies to ensure you get the juiciest tracking experience.'
    dismissText: 'Me want it!'
    linkText: 'But me wait!'
    linkUrl: ''
    contact: ''
    encryption: ''
    acknowledgements: '/#/score-board'
    video: JuiceShopJingle.mp4
    subtitles: JuiceShopJingle.vtt
    name: Orangeuze
    overlayMap: orangemap2k.jpg
    clientId: ''
      - { uri: '' }
      - { uri: '' }
      - { uri: '' }
      - { uri: '' }
      - { uri: '' }
      - { uri: 'http://localhost:3000', proxy: '' }
      - { uri: '', proxy: '' }
      - { uri: 'http://localhost:4200', proxy: '' }
      - { uri: '', proxy: '' }
      - { uri: '', proxy: '' }
      - { uri: '', proxy: '' }
      - { uri: 'http://penguin.termina.linux.test:3000', proxy: '' }
      - { uri: 'http://penguin.termina.linux.test:4200', proxy: '' }
  showSolvedNotifications: true
  showHints: true
  showMitigations: true
  codingChallengesEnabled: solved # Options: never  solved  always
  restrictToTutorialsFirst: false
  safetyMode: enabled
  overwriteUrlForProductTamperingChallenge: ''
  xssBonusPayload: '<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe>'
  isEnabled: true
  avatarImage: juicyBot.png
    name: 'Apple Juice (1000ml)'
    price: 1.99
    description: 'The all-time classic.'
    image: apple_juice.jpg
      - { text: 'One of my favorites!', author: admin }
# ~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~
    name: 'OWASP SSL Advanced Forensic Tool (O-Saft)'
    description: 'O-Saft is an easy to use tool to show information about SSL certificate and tests the SSL connection according given list of ciphers and various SSL configurations.'
    price: 0.01
    image: orange_juice.jpg
    urlForProductTamperingChallenge: ''
    name: 'Christmas Super-Surprise-Box (2014 Edition)'
    description: 'Contains a random selection of 10 bottles (each 500ml) of our tastiest juices and an extra fan shirt for an unbeatable price!'
    price: 29.99
    image: undefined.jpg
    useForChristmasSpecialChallenge: true
    name: 'OWASP Juice Shop Sticker (2015/2016 design)'
    description: 'Die-cut sticker with the official 2015/2016 logo. By now this is a rare collectors item. <em>Out of stock!</em>'
    price: 999.99
    image: sticker.png
    deletedDate: '2017-04-28'
# ~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~
    name: 'OWASP Juice Shop Logo (3D-printed)'
    description: 'This rare item was designed and handcrafted in Sweden. This is why it is so incredibly expensive despite its complete lack of purpose.'
    price: 99.99
    image: 3d_keychain.jpg
    fileForRetrieveBlueprintChallenge: JuiceShop.stl
      - OpenSCAD
# ~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~
    image: 'magn(et)ificent!-1571814229653.jpg'
    caption: 'Magn(et)ificent!'
    user: bjoernGoogle
    image: 'my-rare-collectors-item!-[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅-͡°-͜ʖ-͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]-1572603645543.jpg'
    caption: 'My rare collectors item! [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]'
    user: bjoernGoogle
  showFlagsInNotifications: false
  showCountryDetailsInNotifications: none
  countryMapping: ~

Overriding default settings

When creating your own YAML configuration file, you can rely on the existing default values and only overwrite what you want to change. The provided config/ctf.yml file for capture-the-flag events for example is as short as this:

  logo: JuiceShopCTF_Logo.png
  favicon: favicon_ctf.ico
  showVersionNumber: false
  showGitHubLinks: false
    showOnFirstStart: false
  showHints: false
  safetyMode: disabled
  isEnabled: false
  showFlagsInNotifications: true

Testing customizations

You can validate your custom configuration file against the schema by running npm run lint:config -- -f /path/to/myConfig.yml. This validation automatically happens on server startup as well.

To verify if your custom configuration will not break any of the challenges, you should run the end-to-end tests via npm start & npm run cypress:open &. If they pass, all challenges will be working fine!

Material Color Themes

The application.theme property allows certain pre-defined color schemes. The table below shows sample screenshots for each of these.

Theme Sample screenshot


material theme bluegrey lightgreen


material theme blue lightblue


material theme deeppurple amber


material theme indigo pink


material theme pink bluegrey


material theme purple green


material theme deeporange indigo

Provided customizations

The following fully re-themed customizations are provided out of the box by OWASP Juice Shop for demonstration purposes:

Furthermore these convenience customizations are provided out-of-the-box to simplify usage of OWASP Juice Shop in specific use cases and situations:

  • CTF-mode: Keeps the Juice Shop in its default layout but disabled hints while enabling CTF flag codes in the "challenge solved"-notifications. Refer to Hosting a CTF event to learn more about running a CTF-event with OWASP Juice Shop. 🚩

  • Quiet mode: Keeps the Juice Shop in its default layout but hides all "challenge solved"-notifications, GitHub ribbon and challenge hints. 🔇

  • Tutorial mode: Restricts the user to first solve all challenges with Hacking Instructor tutorials before the entire Score Board gets unlocked and filterable. 🏫 Hidden challenges can still be solved and users will receive corresponding success notifications!

  • Unsafe mode: Keeps everything at default settings except enabling all potentially dangerous challenges even in containerized environments. ☠️ Use at your own risk!

Mozilla-CTF theme
BodgeIt Store theme

Proprietary customization

Below you find screenshots of a custom theme the author of this book created for awareness and demo sessions at work. It was presented to various groups and individuals, from Project Manager rounds over workers council members up to the company CEO at that time.

Product list in Kuehne+Nagel theme
Shopping basket in Kuehne+Nagel theme

2FA setup in Kuehne+Nagel theme Customer feedback in Kuehne+Nagel theme


  • When running a customization (except default.yml) that overwrites the property application.domain, the description of the challenges Ephemeral Accountant, Forged Signed JWT and Unsigned JWT will always be shown in English.

  • Configurations (except default.yml) do not support translation of custom product names and descriptions as of v17.1.1.

  • Several Hacking Instructor scripts depend on product inventory and product reviews that might not exist in the required form when you overwrote the default products list. Consider turning off the tutorials by setting hackingInstructor.isEnabled to false in that case.

Additional Browser tweaks

Consider you are doing a live demo with a highly customized corporate theme. Your narrative is, that this really is an upcoming eCommerce application of that company. Walking the "happy path" might now lure you into two situations which could spoil the immersion for the audience.

Coupon codes on social media

If you configured the twitterUrl/facebookUrl as the company’s own account/page, you will most likely not find any coupon codes posted there. You will probably fail to convince the social media team to tweet or retweet some coupon code for an application that does not even exist!

Coupon Immersion Spoiler

OAuth Login

Another immersion spoiler occurs when demonstrating the Log in with Google functionality, which will show you the application name registered on Google Cloud Platform: OWASP Juice Shop! There is no way to convince Google to show anything else for obvious trust and integrity reasons.

OAuth Immersion Spoiler

ℹ️ Since v10.0.0 you can overwrite the googleOauth subsection to use your own application on Google Cloud Platform for handling OAuth. This is a relatively high effort, so maybe you want to kill two birds with one stone instead as described in the next section.

On-the-fly text replacement

You can solve both of the above problems in your own Browser by replacing text on the fly when the Twitter, Facebook or Google-Login page is loaded. For Chrome Word Replacer II is a plugin that does this work for you with very little setup effort. For Firefox FoxReplace does a similar job. After installing either plugin you have to create two text replacements:

  1. Create a replacement for OWASP Juice Shop (as it appears on Google-Login) with your own application name. Best use from your configuration.

  2. Create another replacement for a complete or partial Tweet or Facebook post with some marketing text and an actual coupon code. You can get valid coupon codes from the OWASP Juice Shop Twitter feed:

    Word Replacer II
  3. Enable the plugin and verify your replacements work:

Coupon Immersion Replacement
OAuth Immersion Replacement