Please continue reading to learn more about supporting the OWASP Juice Shop financially! As a shortcut you can also click here to donate right now!
As a project of the OWASP Foundation the Juice Shop is and always will be
open source
free software
The entire project is licensed under the liberal MIT license which allows even commercial use and modifications. There will never be an "enterprise", "pro" or "premium" version of OWASP Juice Shop either.
This does not mean that a project like it can thrive without any funding. Some examples on what the OWASP Juice Shop spent (or might spend) money on:
Giveaways for conferences and meetups (e.g. stickers, magnets, iron-ons or temporary tattoos)
Merchandise to reward awesome project contributions or marketing for the project (e.g. apparel or mugs)
Bounties on a small number of features or fixes
Software license costs (e.g. an extended icon library)
Commercial support where the team lacks expertise (e.g. graphics design for this book’s cover was paid from donations)
Supporting Juice Shop
The OWASP Foundation gratefully accepts donations via Stripe. Projects such as Juice Shop can then request reimbursement for expenses (like those listed above) from the Foundation.

If you’d like to express your support of the Juice Shop project, please make sure to use the green "Donate"-button while on the Juice Shop website or simply use the following link for your donation:

Filling out the form is pretty straightforward. It will ask you for some basic information and then redirect you to a Stripe payment page where you put in your credit card data and initiate the payment:

Restricted gifts
All donations of at least 1000 US$ to the OWASP Foundation can be restricted explicitly to be only used by the Juice Shop project in the current calendar year. To learn more about such earmarked donations please check OWASP’s Donations Policy.

ℹ️ While the Juice Shop appreciates such dedicated donations, please note that these add an organizational overhead for the OWASP Foundation. To this day no expenses of the categories mentioned above have ever been denied by OWASP for Juice Shop. Feel free to use a regular donation with attribution instead.
If you tick the "Publicly list me as a supporter of OWASP Juice Shop" checkbox your name (but obviously not your email address) will be added to the Supporters tab of the project website automatically.

For donation amounts of at least 1000 US$ your corporate logo (with link) will be added to the Top Supporters section as well. The logo size can be at most 300x300 pixels. Logo and name placements are guaranteed for 1 year after the donation but might stay there longer at the discretion of the Project Leaders.