
If (and only if) none of the Common support issues described below could help resolve your issue, please ask for individual support on our official Gitter Chat. If you are sure to have found a bug in the Juice Shop itself please open a 🐛 Bug report issue on GitHub.

🛑 Please do not file questions or support requests on the GitHub issues tracker.

Start-up validations

During server start the Juice Shop runs a series of self-validations and print feedback about their success to the console:

Passing start-up validations

Juice Shop will resist to launch as long as any of these validations fail:

Failing start-up validations

The following checks are run during server startup and can typically be fixed in a straightforward fashion when they fail:

Validation error message Typical solution

Dependencies in ... could not be checked due to "..." error

Repair the mentioned dependency file. When using an original tag release version or master branch you should never see this error.

Dependencies in ... are not rightly satisfied followed by individual messages on missing dependencies or version mismatches

If you installed from sources re-run npm install and check for errors during that step. See also Node.js / NPM for some common culprits. In a pre-packaged distribution you should never see this error.

Detected Node version ... is not in the supported version range of ...

Install one of the officially supported Node.js versions 18.x, 20.x, and 22.x. If you use a pre-packaged distribution, make sure its version matches your installed Node.js version.

Detected OS ... is not in the list of supported platforms ...

Make sure you use a supported operating system. If you use a pre-packaged distribution, make sure you downloaded the one for your OS.

Detected CPU ... is not in the list of supported architectures ...

Make sure you use a supported processor architecture. If you use a pre-packaged distribution, make sure you downloaded the one for your processor.

Required file ... is missing

If you installed from sources re-run npm install and check for errors, especially during its final step Generating ES5 bundles for differential loading.... In a pre-packaged distribution you should never see this error.

Port ... is in use

Make sure the port you intend to run Juice Shop on is actually available or use another port by setting the PORT environment variable.

Config schema validation failed with ... errors followed by individual messages on wrong property types or unrecognized properties

Make sure that your customization complies with the schema of the YAML configuration file.

Only ... products are configured but at least four are required

Make sure that at least four items are present in the products array of your configuration. See also YAML configuration file.

No product is configured as "..." challenge product but one is required

Make sure that each property useForChristmasSpecialChallenge, urlForProductTamperingChallenge, fileForRetrieveBlueprintChallenge and keywordsForPastebinDataLeakChallenge (required for some of the challenges) is present on a single product in your custom inventory. See also YAML configuration file.

... products are configured as "..." challenge product but only one is allowed

Make sure that each property useForChristmasSpecialChallenge, urlForProductTamperingChallenge, fileForRetrieveBlueprintChallenge and keywordsForPastebinDataLeakChallenge (required for some of the challenges) is present on exactly one product in your custom inventory. See also YAML configuration file.

Product ... is used as "..." challenge product and "..." challenge product but can only be used for one challenge

Make sure no single product is associated with more than one property useForChristmasSpecialChallenge, urlForProductTamperingChallenge, fileForRetrieveBlueprintChallenge and keywordsForPastebinDataLeakChallenge in your custom inventory. See also YAML configuration file.

Only ... memories are configured but at least two are required

Make sure that at least two items are present in the memories array of your configuration. See also YAML configuration file.

No memory is configured as "..." challenge memory but one is required

Make sure that each property duo geoStalkingMetaSecurityQuestion/geoStalkingMetaSecurityAnswer and geoStalkingVisualSecurityQuestion/geoStalkingVisualSecurityAnswer (required for some of the challenges) is present on a single memory of your custom photo wall. See also YAML configuration file.

... memories are configured as "..." challenge memory but only one is allowed

Make sure that each property duo geoStalkingMetaSecurityQuestion/geoStalkingMetaSecurityAnswer and geoStalkingVisualSecurityQuestion/geoStalkingVisualSecurityAnswer (required for some of the challenges) is present on exactly one memory of your custom photo wall. See also YAML configuration file.

Memory ... is used as "..." challenge memory and "..." challenge memory but can only be used for one challenge

Make sure no single memory is associated with more than one property duo geoStalkingMetaSecurityQuestion/geoStalkingMetaSecurityAnswer and geoStalkingVisualSecurityQuestion/geoStalkingVisualSecurityAnswer of your custom photo wall. See also YAML configuration file.

Restricted tutorial mode is enabled while Hacking Instructor is disabled

Make sure hackingInstructor.isenabled is true when you also have configured challenges.restrictToTutorialsFirst set to true.

CTF flags are enabled while challenge solved notifications are disabled

Make sure challenges.showSolvedNotifications is true when you also have configured ctf.showFlagsInNotifications set to true.

CTF country mappings for FBCTF are enabled while CTF flags are disabled

Make sure ctf.showFlagsInNotifications is true when you also have configured ctf.showCountryDetailsInNotifications set to name, flag or both.

Intent ... is missing in chatbot training data

Make sure that your chatbot training data defines all mandatory intent objects defined in the Chatbot training data specification.

Answer with ... action and handler ... is missing for intent ...

Make sure that your chatbot training data defines the expected { "action": "...", "handler": "..." } on the mentioned mandatory intent object as defined in the Chatbot training data specification.

Domain ... is not reachable

Make sure the Juice Shop server has outgoing Internet connectivity and that the mentioned domain is not blocked by any firewall rules or proxies.

... will not work as intended without access to ...

The mentioned feature or challenge will be broken unless connectivity to the mentioned domain is allowed from the Juice Shop server. In case of a dependent challenge, the challenge will likely be unsolvable but for technical reasons without being explicitly disabled on the Score Board.

If your installation did not even get to the point of running these checks or all checks successfully pass with (OK) but the application still fails to start, please check the Common support issues for possible hints to solve your issue.

Common support issues

The following issues have been seen (and solved/mitigated) more than once and can hopefully help you to narrow down a solution for your issue.

Node.js / NPM

  • After changing to a different Node.js version it is a good idea to delete node_modules and re-install all dependencies from scratch with npm install

  • If during npm install the sqlite3 or libxmljs2 binaries cannot be downloaded for your system, the setup falls back to building from source with node-gyp. Check the node-gyp installation instructions for additional tools you might need to install (e.g. Python 2.7, GCC, Visual C++ Build Tools etc.)

  • If npm install runs into a Unexpected end of JSON input error you might need to clean your NPM cache with npm cache clean --force and then try again.


  • If you are using Kali Linux to build and/or run OWASP Juice Shop, please try another Linux distro. Kali has proven to be very flaky as a regular runtime environment.

  • If npm install fails on Ubuntu with the pre-installed Node.js please install the latest release of Node.js 20.x from scratch and try again.

  • If npm install on Linux runs into WARN cannot run in wd problems (e.g. during the frontend installation step) try running npm install --unsafe-perm instead.

  • If npm start fails with Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, copyfile you might have had either an error already during npm install or you pulled changes from GitHub but did not re-run npm install afterwards. Make sure to check if the file to copy from exists on your disk and if the target folder for the copy is there. (Should no longer occur with v12.0.2 or later)


  • If using Docker Toolbox on Windows make sure that you also enable port forwarding from Host to for TCP for the default VM in VirtualBox.


  • The "Deploy to Heroku" button on the README only works from browsers where no plugins or settings interfere with Referer HTTP headers ("Deploy to Heroku" button is no longer provided since Heroku abandoned their free tier dynos)


  • If all startup checks show (OK) but you see SequelizeDatabaseError: SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: <some table name> errors right afterwards, please check if the file data/juiceshop.sqlite exists. If so just stop and restart your server and this suspected race condition issue shouid go away. (Should no longer occur with v14.3.0 or later)


  • Using the Vagrant script (on Windows) might not work while your virus scanner is running. This problem was experienced at least with F-Secure Internet Security.


  • If you are missing the Login with Google button, you are running OWASP Juice Shop under an unrecognized URL. You can still solve the OAuth related challenge!

  • If you want to manually make the OAuth integration work to get the full user experience, create your own customization file and define all properties in the googleOauth subsection


  • If you notice that a challenge solution is not working, check on the Score Board if that challenge is one of the potentially dangerous ones which are by default disabled in Docker environments and shared platforms like Heroku.

  • You may find it easier to find vulnerabilities using a pen test tool. We strongly recommend ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) which is open source and very powerful, yet beginner friendly.